Introducing Prince Rupert’s Drops

Brand-new Brooklyn label Beyond Beyond is Beyond Records announces the release of the debut effort from Brooklyn psychedelic garage rock scorchers Prince Rupert’s Drops.

Run Slow, the long-time outfit’s first LP, will be released on November 6th. Take a listen to their killer first tune, “Pillar to Post”:

Prince Rupert’s Drops will be debuting tracks from their upcoming LP at a very special NYC show on August 16 at Glasslands.

Prince Rupert’s Drops Live
August 16 – Glasslands – Brooklyn, NY
w/ Buffalo Killers and the Velcro Lewis Group

About Prince Rupert’s Drops: At the inspired urging of original bassist Brad Truax (Home, Dan Melchior’s Broke Revue, Interpol, to name a few) the somewhat secretive Prince Ruperts Drops were formed in the Brooklyn of 2005, comprised of acclaimed comics-artist Leslie Stein (guitar, vox), fellow former Broke Revue-er Bruno Meyrick-Jones (guitar, vox), and former Osprey Steve McGuirl (drums, percussion).

The band soon drew comparisons to the likes of The Groundhogs & Captain Beefheart- a sound that quickly developed and broadened to accommodate the emerging song-writing styles of each member. Following Brad’s departure in 2008 to focus on high-end tour-managing, the band were joined by longtime friend and multi-talented bass-player Chad Laird (Land of Tomorrow, Jantar), thus adding another powerful cylinder to the songwriting engine.

Their increasingly versatile and engaging approach has won them occupying support slots for acts broad in scope as psychedelic noiseniks Black Dice to country rockers Oakley Hall (to whom Steve has lent his talents on occasion).

In 2012 PRD has been joined on stage and in the studio by another longtime-friend and former guest-musician, synthesizer-sorceress Kirsten Nordine (Jantar), turning the musical feast into a rich sonic banquet set to wow the ears of one and all.

Prince Rupert’s Drops Facebook | Twitter | At BBiB Records

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