UK Artist of the Week: Brendan Dalton

There is a lot of folk music coming from the UK at the moment, and while we’d usually eye it suspiciously, there’s just something about a Scottish voice that breaks down our barriers and let’s us embrace it. This week, we’re shining a light on Brendan Dalton and his latest single “Medium.”

The man hasn’t been writing long (around a year), but if this is what he’s producing, then it bodes well for his long-term career. There are no bells and whistles to the single, just a lone voice and a steady guitar melody carrying it along on a bed of handclaps, there’s an underlying and haunting reverence to it. It takes guts to lay out something this stripped back, and we think it might just have paid off.

Of course, no single would be complete without its accompanying video, and free track “Beachcomber’s Holler” (which I guess would be the digital equivalent of a b-side—what an age we live in!)

“Medium” is out now on via Meraki Records. You can follow Brendan Dalton on Twitter.

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