TVD Live:
Race Wars tour at the Subterranean, 9/15 – Part 2

Your TVD Chicago writers headed over to the Subterranean last Thursday night to see the amazing group of laptop rappers that are currently performing on MC Chris’ latest tour.

Second up: Random AKA Mega Ran

In the second part of this four-part story, we get a chance to sit down with Random, and discuss the tour, vinyl records, and upcoming projects.

Random, known for his video game remixing, landed a licensing agreement with video game distributor Capcom in 2007, for his Mega Man tribute album, Mega Ran. Random performed second, and took the stage with his producer K-Murdock.

How’s the tour going so far?

The tour’s been amazing. It’s just so great to get out to every town and see faces that have been supporting us for so long, who never thought that we’d come to their towns. Every night is a new experience, it’s so much fun.

How did you guys get hooked up with the tour?

[MC Lars] and I have done some music before in the past, and about a year ago he asked me if I’d be interested in going out on tour with him. It wasn’t until about a year later, that Chris E-mailed me. I’ve got to thank Lars for putting the word out, and for introducing me to Chris, and making it happen. So I brought K-Murdock, my producer, and we’ve just been out having fun, living the dream.

Do you have anything going on right now that you’d like to mention?

My new album, Mega Ran 10, actually releases right after this tour’s over, on 11/11/11. It will all be based on the Mega Man 10 game. Myself, K-Murdock, DN3 – there are a lot of great producers on there; it’s going to be a lot of fun.

We’re staying busy, and there’s absolutely no time to rest. As soon as the tour’s over, there’s more music. I’m hopefully going to Japan in December, so a lot of great things are happening. Who would have thought, I quit my job three months ago, not knowing what the future held, and now I’m living the dream. God is good is all I can say.

MP3 or Vinyl?

Vinyl all day! That’s so weird, just today I got an epiphany to release my next album on vinyl. I said on Twitter, “Would you guys be interested if I did Mega Ran 10 on a 12 inch?” I got replies, that “Yes”, people would want to buy it. So, we are going to put Mega Ran 10 on an electric blue, shiny vinyl. I figured Mega Man, on blue vinyl? It’s perfect. So that will be releasing in November as well. K Murdock has been big on vinyl before, we have a 7” together, we have a 12” that he did with Panacea.

What would be the one vinyl record that you think everyone should own?

It depends on if it’s from the producer stand point, or just the music lover. In my opinion, everyone should have Skull Snaps. I think everybody needs to have that. From the music lover stand point, you have to have [Michael Jackson’s] Thriller. I don’t even have a record player, but I still buy vinyl and collect it. Those are the ones that you’ve got to have.

Pre order your copy of Mega Ran 10 on electric blue vinyl, and get it numbered and signed along with a complete digital download on release day.

Random AKA Mega Ran Official | Twitter | Facebook

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