TVD Concert Preview:
BOBBY (opening for
The Low Anthem), 2/24

BOBBY is bringing its quirky folk rock to the Sixth & I Historic Synagogue tomorrow night in support of The Low Anthem, and I’m intrigued.

Befitting its dreamy, fanciful tunes, BOBBY’s name’s origins have a similar mystique. Bobby, a “lethargic, sad dancer” and the namesake of the band, met Tom Greenberg (Twiglet), Molly Sarle (Mountain Man), and the rest of the band members after attending Vermont’s Bennington College. Hoping to escape the rotary club show rotation, Greenberg set up a Big Show, but at the performance, Bobby got sick all over Martin “Chunk” Zimmermann and fled the stage.

BOBBY the band soldiered on without Bobby the man, and the Big Show impressed Partisan Records, who signed BOBBY after hearing recordings from the show. The elusive Bobby was not heard from again, but the band decided to name itself in his memory.

Hear BOBBY the band’s capricious melodies tomorrow at Sixth and I. I’d like to imagine that Bobby the man will be lurking about.

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