Daisy McCrackin:
The TVD First Date

“Growing up in San Fransisco, I only had a Walkman cassette player I got for my 9th birthday, and a bunch of Motown cassettes. Then I bought a record player at a yard sale, and Purple Rain was the only record I had. I listened to it every night.

Daisy McCrackin | The Moon

My mom had an antique hand cranked Victrola in the living room that had been my grandmother’s. We played those really thick old records. CD’s were already just coming out but I didn’t really get into them. I once ordered a bunch “for a penny” from BMG, and they sent me a huge bill and called the house to collect and I said, “I’m only 12!” They didn’t call again.

Then in high school my older brother wanted to be a DJ, and we would go to the cool record stores in North Beach. I’m pretty sure he eventually stole my record player.

So, I went through a whole evolution of players growing up, and I loved vinyl records. Then, to my delight, my first recordings actually got printed on vinyl! Stefanie Schneider, a German photographer / filmmaker I work with, used some my acoustic songs as the soundtrack of her film, and she had 13 of my earliest songs printed on vinyl in Berlin.

Daisy McCrackin | I Think I’m a Ghost

They pronounce it “vee-nul.” Happy day! My very first published songs! —Daisy McCrackin

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