TVD’s 9:30 Club
April Concert Calendar Preview… Part Deux

Yesterday, we rounded up the first half of this month’s 9:30 Club Concert Calendar Previews, and today we’re finishing off The List, since this month we have so many tickets to give away (you’re welcome) that we actually need to have two Previews.

As always, check back on the site throughout the month for ticket giveaways for each show that we’ve previewed at the beginning of the month. Hey, this is DC—we know you’re busy, busy people, and you’ve gotta plan ahead to fit in all that hard work and even harder play.

In honor of the Yelle show, and because I love using my extremely, ridiculously bad French, I say…

On commence, partie deux!

Scala and Kolacny Brothers, Mon 4/25

Long before there was Glee, there was Scala and Kolacny Brothers. This Belgian girls’ choir performs “imaginatively reworked covers of Radiohead, U2, Rammstein and Nirvana songs (to name but a few) as well as, their equally successful original compositions before sold-out audiences throughout the world.” Their version of Radiohead’s “Creep” was featured in the trailer for the film The Social Network.

Yelle, Wed 4/27. Late Show! 10:00 PM Doors

I could read Yelle lyrics all day. Everything that comes out of her mouth is romantic and pornographic and… so French, like reading e.e. cummings at a discothèque. Case in point, from “Safari Disco Club”:

Je veux goûter à tout, je veux goûter
Connaître le goût du péché
Croquer dans ta pomme empoisonnée
Je tombe dans les pommes, à l’hélium, ça y est

I want to taste everything, I want to taste
To know the taste of sin
Biting into your poison apple
I’m fainting, to helium, here it comes

Pretend you’re rendezvous-ing with your Parisian lover at this late show. Je t’aime, mon amour.

of Montreal, Thurs 4/28

Dance away your worries! Ladies, I’m screaming out to you from the depths of this phallocentric tyranny! I wish I had made that up, but the second part is actually taken from the lyrics of of Montreal’s “Id Engager.” (I’m on a lyrics kick today; it’s a lexiconic lovefest.) After hearing that song a couple of years ago, I declared anything upsetting to be a phallocentric tyranny.

of Montreal’s psychedelic pop-rock and freaky-ass costumes and props are sure to make you forget your cares and lose yourself in another world for a little while. Going to one of their shows gets you high without having worry about a pee test.

Balkan Beat Box, Fri 4/29. Late Show! 11:00 PM Doors

I have it on good authority from a 9:30 Club insider that when Balkan Beat Box plays the club, it is off. the. chain. I quote my secret source (très mystérieux!):

“I am urging you all to trust me and buy tickets for this SOON! If you like Thievery Corporation you will love them. If you like Gogol Bordello, this guy [Ori Kaplan] was an original member in their band. Think big production salsa and Arabic sounds. Sold out last year and was awwwesome.

I couldn’t find better words to encourage you to pencil in this Friday late show at the end of the month.

Peter Bjorn and John, Sat 4/30. Early Show! 7:00 PM Doors

Indie rock band PB&J just released their new album Gimme Some via Startime International last week and will be making their way stateside at the end of the month to tour in support of the album, from their native home of Sweden. Anyone want to place a bet with me that “Young Folks” will be the last song in their set? Side bet: If you attend this early show, you’ll be whistling “Young Folks” for the rest of the night.

Yesterday, we hinted that we might have a ticket giveaway for ya today… Well, you’ll just have to check back in a lil bit to see what we have up our sleeve, but we can tell you that it rhymes with The Ho! Dream.

À bientôt, mes amis!

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