TVD Ticket Giveaway: Henry Rollins at the 9:30 Club, 11/5

It’s that time again. You know, the one every four years when America finds itself drowning in political backlash on the eve of the presidential election.

Luckily, there’s a man willing to get out there and give the people what they want to know about the current political situation in the form of spoken word. His name is Henry Rollins.

Spoken word magician, former harDCore god, and total badass Henry Rollins is making his way across the country to every single state capital on his upcoming Capitalism Tour. From what we hear, the tour will not follow the guidelines of being a voting guide from an outside viewpoint, but instead will be more of an “unflinching quest for truth that’s sadly lacking in the profit-driven American mass media.” Yeah, America!

In a statement issued about the tour, Rollins said, “I will be performing across our fine nation, doing shows in the capital city of each state. We will be going all the way up to election eve. It’s always a great time to be in America, but this will be the highpoint of this year’s tour.”

With that said, it seems only proper that Rollins would choose to end his 50-state Capitalism Tour in Washington, DC at the 9:30 Club on November 5th. It’s going to be a lot of fun, and we’ve got a pair of tickets to give away to let you join in on the action.

For a chance to win the tickets, tell us in the comments below, your favorite political song.

Mine has to be Bob Dylan’s “The Times They Are A-Changin’.” Personally, I think it’s the best political protest song ever written.

The winner will be chosen at noon on Tuesday, July 3rd, so get to it, and good luck!

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