The Winter 2016 DC Record Fair in Photos

Going on 9 years ago when we told friends we’re developing a website devoted to vinyl records, we received a lot of raised eyebrows and a whole bunch of good-luck-with-thats. Eyerolls too. Lots of eyerolls.

It’s gratifying and humbling to have had such a turnout on Sunday at Washington, DC’s Penn Social for the winter 2016 edition of the DC Record Fair, now in its seventh year. The return of the flat black shiny medium once thought of as a relic shows no sign of decline, and well over 2,000 of you seemed to agree.

Watch this space for news of our Summer event, and in the interim, ace photographer Richie Downs has a look back at Sunday.

The DC Record Fair is brought you by Som Records, DC Soul Recordings, and TVD. —Ed.

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