TVD Recommends:
Beale Street Caravan Sweet Sixteen Party at The Hi-Tone Cafe, 10/25

Ever heard of a radio program spreading Memphis music around the world? Something like that couldn’t even last a dozen years!

But what about 16? Beale Street Caravan has been proliferating Memphis music, new and old, for 16 years, reaching over 2.4 million listeners through 400 different radio stations. On Oct. 25th, The Hi-Tone Cafe will play host to Beale Street Caravan’s Sweet Sixteenth with plenty of great memories and good music from dedicated Memphis musicians.

“We’re going to bust out some soulful tunes that run deep down in the roots of Mississippi country blues rock music. Put on a pot of turnip greens, pour yourself a glass of sweet tea, kick back and let the music take you to the banks of a muddy river flowing through the heart of Mississippi,” said Andy Ratliff of Reemus Bodeemus.

In addition to the bluesy rock of Reemus Bodeemus, Merry Mobile adds their back catalog of Memphis soul to the mix to support and show love for the radio program, along with that of the Ghost Town Blues Band.

“Beale Street Caravan is a cure for the ills of modern radio. There is no other show in the world that captures the spirit of blues music in all its various forms quite like BSC. By supporting BSC, you are helping create a form of music education that everyone in the world, of all ages, can learn from,” Ratliff added.

Although the show started with modest local representation, it is now featured on NPR’s 24-hour worldwide schedule. BSC has built a reputation and global audience with grassroots support and a shoestring budget, proving that it can accomplish its dual purpose of preserving Memphis’ musical heritage and promoting the city of Memphis around the world.

Doors open at 8 p.m. with the first act going on at 9 p.m. To catch Beale Street Caravan in its native habitat on the radio, you can find it on the following stations: WEVL 89.9 (Tuesdays at noon), WUMR 91.7 (Wednesdays at 6 pm), and WYPL 89.3 (Sundays at 5 pm).

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