Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings at the House of Blues

They are an unlikely combination. A band of retro young white guys backing a middle-aged black soul singer who was rejected earlier in her career because she didn’t look enough like the popular R&B acts of the day.

Who’s laughing now? On the strength of great original tunes, classic soul production and the prodigious pipes of the lead singer, Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings has been tearing up the charts and wowing audiences across the globe.

I have seen them play several times and each show I have been amazed at the relentless energy of Jones. She never stops dancing and the crowd, which is captivated by her passion, joins her raising the intensity of the performance to the highest level. At the Muses Ball a couple of years back, she had audience members up on stage dancing with her. All the while, the band lays down a mighty groove.

Check ’em out in action- and remember this is a ballad- she knocks ’em dead-


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