Weekend Shots!

The free series of shows at Tipitina’s continues tonight with a set by the Lost Bayou Ramblers. Though they are often billed as a Cajun band, this second generation group bring youthful energy to the stage. The New ‘Awlins Johnnys are the opening act.

For music that couldn’t be more different than Cajun, head to Sweet Lorraine’s for the rare pairing of two titans of improvisational jazz—Edward “Kidd” Jordan, a saxophonist without peer in New Orleans, and Andrew Cyrille, a like-minded drummer who enjoys exploring the outer reaches of jazz. Elton Heron and Darryl Levine join them on bass and keys respectively.

I have two shows to recommend on Saturday night. The Stockholm Syndrome, a super group of sorts that features Jerry Joseph on guitar and vocals and Dave Schools from Widespread Panic on bass, is playing a Tipitina’s. This group rarely plays in New Orleans so this is a must-see gig for jam band fans.

Over at the Maple Leaf Bar, the New Orleans Blues Department reunites. NOBD was a dynamic ensemble that played many gigs during from the mid-1980s into the 1990s and developed a sound that went beyond the basic blues of their moniker. Bruce Springsteen joined them on one particular Wednesday night at the Leaf (pictured above on the far left with members of the band). This should be a fun night full of reminiscences about youth fading away.

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