TVD Recommends: Eddie Roberts and Friends at the Maple Leaf Bar, 12/11

Tonight, the New Mastersounds guitarist will be performing with a killer cast of local musicians. Expect to see Kyle Roussel on keys, James Singleton on bass, and Jermal Watson on drums.

I had the good fortune to check out Roberts’ performance the first night of his month-long residency at the Maple Leaf Bar. The band was different, he had Eric Vogel on bass and Nigel Hall on keys, but the groove and the licks were unlike most in attendance had heard with the exception of sporadic local performances by the New Mastersounds.

Roberts has a technique that may confound many guitarists. Even though I was up front and center in the intimate Maple Leaf, I was left with the impression after the set that he plays without a pick. I even asked him if the great Snooks Eaglin inspired him (Snooks was another guitarist who left other guitarists confounded.)

My reasoning was reasonable considering that the New Mastersounds cite the Meters as one of their major influences, and Snooks had to have been an influence on Meters’ guitarist Leo Nocentelli.

Not only does Roberts occasionally use a pick during his blistering solos, he even showed me how he holds/hides it in his palm.

For the gig this evening, Roberts promises Ramsey Lewis-esque soul jazz. If you haven’t checked his guy out up close and personal, get there tonight or next week.

Next Wednesday will be his last gig for the year at the Maple Leaf and his Christmas blowout with Ike Stubblefield on keys. They recorded an album together that is off the hook. Check the video for a taste and go here to listen to other cuts of the album, which also features Terrence Higgins on drums.

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