TVD’s Bluebrain ‘Eat The Waves’ Remix Contest

…and the winner gets to program TVD for the day.

As we’ve been somewhat beating to death all morning here and elsewhere, there are now nine cities that TVD is endeavoring to cover. Nine, cities, nine TVDs. Nine places for you to check out for local scene-specific coverage.

Let’s say you’re planning a trip to the UK—where can I go record shopping over there? I’m off to LA next week—anything happening? We’re going to have you covered. Or die trying.

And yes, it’s a bit overwhelming and we thought you just might need a tour guide or two. Have you met our friends in Bluebrain?

DC’s Bluebrain, brothers Ryan and Hays Holladay, are coming off quite the 2010 indeed, which began with an experiment right here at TVD which the Washington City Paper referred to as “A Mindfuck in Four Parts.” “Like The Flaming Lips’ Zaireeka,” WCP wrote, “The Last Place You Look” has four components that called for four separate listening devices for the best possible sound—unwieldly perhaps, but also a sort of assembly-required version of Bluebrain’s clever electro-pop.”

This year, to kick things off and introduce you to the nine TVD’s, Bluebrain’s put together one hell of a remix contest to introduce you to the TVD Network of blogs.

Bluebrain’s original track ‘Eat The Waves’ posted in its entirety and fully mixed above, has been broken down into nine components or ‘stems.’ All nine of these stems will be posted at a specific TVD blog location throughout the week and yes, we’ll tell you where they are. The first stem is just above.

You, as an aspiring or seasoned musician, are tasked with grabbing the nine stems and using them as the basis for one of your original compositions. You needn’t use all nine, but at least one has to be used as the structural basis of your piece. You’re not limited to any specific musical genre either. Jazz, classical, hip hop, indie—whatever niche you work in is cool with us. I’d love to see Bluebrain go bluegrass – but that’s just me.

Anyway, you’ll have all nine stems by Friday of this week and we’ll give you an additional week to produce your Bluebrain-inspired masterwork. Submissions are due on Monday, January 17 when we with Bluebrain choose our winner.

What do you win, you’re asking? Well, that’s a good question.

One winner will be given all nine TVDs for a one day ‘TVD Takeover’ to spotlight and broadcast your music internationally. The floor will be yours for whatever you’d like us to post. We’re handing you the keys to the joint.

So, tour the TVD Network this week and get to work. We’ll post everything we receive too, so get cracking, OK?

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