TVD Seattle Show Review: Trevor Hall at Nectar

Nectar felt like the Twilight Zone last night as I watched Trevor Hall bring sunshine (or something like it) to Seattle. It felt like we had been transported to somewhere in California and that if we were to open Nectar’s garage doors we would be able to walk right out onto the beach.

In reality, I had just made it through the typical Seattle drizzle to catch the last half of Cas Haley‘s set. Right when I walked in the doors I was very surprised by what I was hearing. The overcast day had not prepared me for the music that was about to come. I must admit this was the first reggae show I’ve ever attended and I was very impressed. The way Cas Haley and Trevor Hall (along with the help of their enthusiastic crowd) were able to create such positive vibes made me quickly realize why the venue was packed. Overall it was a really fun show that put me in a really good mood. Next time you feel deprived of Vitamin D, just turn on some Trevor Hall and I think it will do the trick.

Trevor Hall is on his way to play Portland next, be sure to check him out! For more information on Trevor Hall check out his website and Facebook.

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