Wild Orchid Children this Saturday at The Vera Project

There aren’t many bands in the Seattle area, or anywhere else that I know of, that are doing what Wild Orchid Children are doing. What is it that they are doing exactly? It’s difficult to put into words. It sounds something along the lines of old school Beastie Boys vocals meets The Mars Volta in the midst of a chaotic acid trip involving a drum circle. As I said, it’s difficult to put into words. Wild Orchid Children are a band you truly have to hear to fully understand.

Kirk Huffman, also of Kay Kay and His Weathered Underground, fronts the group but to say he is the band’s front man is a stretch. There is approximately seven members of Wild Orchid Children, but honestly it’s hard to keep track with everyone flying around on stage during their mid-song breakdowns. There could be seven, there could be 20, and one of them may or may not be a cougar. After nine minutes of intense percussion and organ, along with Hunter Thomas’ face melting guitar riffs, it’s hard to tell. The band’s live performance can captivate a crowd, as well as work them into a crazed frenzy.

Wild Orchid Children are truly something to bare witness to. Your next chance is this Saturday, April 16th at The Vera Project with the Pharmacy, and Kids & Animals. If you already have Record Store Day plans, you can catch them at Chop Suey on June 17th with Spac3man, SuperFire, and Hushd Puppies.

Wild Orchid Children – “Ahead of Us the Secret”

Wild Orchid Children – “Birth of a Cabin”


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