TVD’s 10 Weeks of Record Store Day Vinyl Giveaways: VCMG, Ssss

As we are now in the year of 2012, and most acts from the 1980s are considered outdated; everything from the over-permed hair to the parachute pants to the New Wave-style music seems a little past its prime.

But a few rare musicians have managed to translate their musical talents into a new sound, and Martin Gore and Vince Clarke of Depeche Mode/Erasure, are two of them.

These two electronic entities have been working on individual projects and had very little contact for over thirty years, but they have now reunited and are creating music as VCMG. Both written and produced by Gore and Clarke, VCMG’s debut album Ssss contains ten tracks of excellent minimalist dance music that is clearly inspired by techno beats and electronica.

For a chance to win yourself a copy of Ssss tell us in the comments below which ’80s reunion you would most like to see.

For me, I think it would have to be Guns N’ Roses, although I don’t see Axl and Slash becoming buddy-buddy again any time soon. Sigh.

A winner with a North American mailing address will be selected a week from today, on Friday, March 30th.

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