Bear Cavalry:
The TVD First Date

“All I remember from the early days about vinyl is that my dad had loads and it was an exciting occasion (or seemed like one to me at the time) whenever one made it onto the turntable in the living room.”

“The first actual record I took an interest in was Jeff Wayne’s music version of War Of The Worlds when I was in juniors at school. They had one of the tracks playing as everyone walked into assembly one day and I remember it really creeped me out, in the way that kids like being creeped out, by way of the sinister little noises and the dramatic dynamics, as well as the overall epicness of it all lodging itself firmly in my mind.

I’m not sure how it came about, I was probably humming it loads or something, but my dad caught on that I was into it. So the first memory I have of vinyl is sitting with his massive headphones on, listening to a horrifying account of how the world narrowly escaped being overrun by aliens.

Now, I just really like owning vinyl. Obviously other formats have their advantages but there’s something really satisfying about looking at the artwork, the warmth of the sound vinyl has to it, and just the feeling of having a little collection of old and new, rare ones you hardly want to touch and ones that look like they’ve just barely survived a near apocalyptic Martian attack.”
Dan Kirk

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