Moxi, The TVD First
Date and Video Premiere, “Paclew”

“I remember getting my first record player for Christmas in my early 20s and being so excited to start my vinyl collection.”

“There’s something about listening to a favorite record on vinyl that is so nostalgic and special. In a culture where people stream music and hardly ever listen to a record straight through, I think vinyl is so exciting and important because it forces you to listen front to back to the record.

“We know first hand how much time and thoughtfulness goes into making a record. You think about song order and meticulously plan out how the record is going to flow, only to have hardly anyone actually listen to it front to back. It’s just the music culture we are living in right now, and it’s fine, but vinyl isn’t apart of that and that’s what makes it so special.

My favorite is to listen to singer/songwriter folk-type music on vinyl because I think a lot of that music was made to be listened to on vinyl, but our collection is really broad and diverse. We have almost all of the Ryan Adams records and play those probably the most. We’ve got several Band of Horses albums, The National, Tegan and Sara, Lana Del Rey, Amy Winehouse.

Recently we’ve added a lot of Jazz, classical, and opera to our collection. I also have Iron and Wine’s The Creek Drank the Cradle and it hardly plays anymore because I’ve played it so much and traveled with it between moving houses and now it’s worn. Truly there’s nothing like putting on a record, drinking a glass of wine, sitting on the couch and chilling.

We love vinyl so much that we released a collector’s edition vinyl pressing of our first two EPs called Dream Feed. The actual vinyl is magenta pink which is my favorite thing ever. You can buy it online or at local record stores in Southern California. We LOVE vinyl!”
Anna Toy

“Paclew” is taken from Moxi’s EP “Figures Bathed in Light” which is in stores now.

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