Needle Drop: Barb Carbon, “Patience”

Atlanta, GA singer-songwriter Barb Carbon possesses a keen grasp of pop dynamics, imbuing her rootsy rock songs with the kind of danceable hooks that transcend the borders of alt country.

The brass-laden single “Patience” from her latest album, The Fighter, lands smack between The Avett Brothers and Lucinda Williams, and manages to be a triple threat of intellectual engagement, emotional weight, and refreshing accessibility.

Carbon has made a name for herself as half of the popular female-fronted band The Ain’t Sisters, who deal in a similar brand of warm, eclectic folk. Their regional popularity has caused inevitable comparisons to another similar breakout group from Atlanta, The Indigo Girls, who are also spearheaded by two strong female leads.

As one might expect, The Fighter is a slightly more introspective affair, but spares no expense in the booty shaking department. It’s a personal collection of songs that allows Carbon a wide-open canvas to lay bare her struggles and hopes without bogging them down in somber singer-songwriter clichés.

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