TVD’s The Idelic Hour with Jon Sidel

Greetings from Laurel Canyon!

“Adios, California.” “Till the next time we say goodbye….I’ll be thinking of you.”

This week’s Idelic Hour is dedicated to a cool and special friend. Someone who has recently become a mentor in this, my “Idelic” journey. It’s not often I meet someone I can intensely share music with. For my journey, the bond between music and people—”rock ‘n roll”—is no joke.

Sometimes those intense, music sharing bonds are spilt. Mostly due to logistics. It’s just a part of life, but the friends I’ve made over a shared love of music are the friends I hold dear and carry.

So again, this week’s Idelic Hour is dedicated to one of those special friends. It’s a playlist of songs about two things; farewells and California (Idelic slang for the real West Coast music scene.)

We are not really leaving or saying goodbye here. We’re just listening to song, singing and smiling. Knowing that song will connect us.

Until the next time, Lionel.

The Idelic Hit of the Week:
The Walkmen – Heartbreaker

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