Music Monday – Old
and New: Erik Satie / Gauntlet Hair

Gauntlet Hair have always had an unusual sound that I wasn’t 100% sure about, but this new track proves that my doubts were unfounded. ‘Top Bunk’ is an upbeat, reverby-drum driven song, with wonderful dream like guitars waving throughout, and husky vocals that bring it back down to earth and keep it from swerving off the planet. Gauntlet Hair are a band to look out for as they release their debut record on Dead Oceans soon.

I recently discovered this classical piece from 1888. In my view, one of the greatest pieces of music ever written and quite clearly a direct influence on artists such as Burt Bacharach and Van Dyke Parks. Erik Satie’s Gymnopédies No. 1 (1888): Lent et Douloureux is heartbreaking and devastating as much as it is triumphant and glorious.


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