UK Artist of the Week: Luke De-Sciscio

Previously known for his traditionally folky soundscapes, British artist Luke De-Sciscio is now back with an excitingly eclectic new sound.

Luke’s latest single “Happy to be Here (I might die tomorrow)” is quite distinctive as it feels like you’ve travelled back in time to some sort of Medieval era. Baroque-pop stylings are met with Luke’s more known-for folk-rock elements, creating something truly unique. This is the second single to be taken from Luke’s upcoming album The Banquet, due for release on 24th June 2022.

Those who may be more familiar with Luke’s previous releases may struggle to come to grips with his new direction initially, but we’re sure as more releases come out of the woodwork, he’ll continue to charm with his poetic lyricism and imaginative musicality.

“Happy to be Here (I might die tomorrow)” is in stores now via AntiFragile Music.

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