TVD’s Ask Ms. Mixtape

In which we launch a brand new weekly feature… —Ed.

Cheerio, TVD! I’m Ms. Mixtape, here to answer your pressing (pun intended) questions about music and life, and hopefully about music and life together. To do that, I’m going to need you to ask some questions.

Nothing is off limits and questions needn’t be directly about music. I’ll find a way to bring tunes into things somehow, never you fear.

How about a game? I’ve made up some very short questions, below. Underneath them are key sentences from my hypothetical answers. Most answers will contain many, many more sentences, I promise. See if you can match up the advice to the question. (Observant readers will notice there are more pieces of advice than there are questions. Good job, you! Some advice is universal.)

A) I’m throwing a swingin’ party tomorrow for people who are more [hip/sophisticated/stuck-up] than I am. I’m worried my music is embarrassing, even though I think it’s great. What should I play to make everyone think I’m [hip / sophisticated / stuck-up]?

B) I just went on a terrific first date with a very attractive person. We got along great, but at one point, this attractive person mentioned a long-term ex, saying the ex was really into Avril Lavigne. Still. As an adult. Is this a red flag? Should I get out now?

C) My house is a mess. I don’t just mean a little messy–it is an unmitigated disaster and might be a health hazard. Where do I start?

D) My teenager came home with a mohawk. Please help.

1) Dig down to your most radical, uninhibited roots. Do you like it?

2) I’m sure you’re just fine, but also: you should probably own some compilations.

3) Turn up the volume.

4) Remember who you’re dating. Unless you were a very big fan of Big Love, you’re probably only hoping to end up in a relationship with one person, not two people.

5) Listen to Black Sabbath.

6) First, put on some music that makes you want to jump around a lot.

Answers: 1 – D, 2 – A, 3 – All of the above, 4 – B, 5 – All of the above, 6 – C

Now it’s your turn to send in questions! Email them to

If you don’t feel comfortable emailing from a personal email account, there are lots of websites that will allow you to send anonymous messages without an email address attached.

Almost-certainly-unnecessary disclaimer, because Ms. Mixtape has too many lawyers and therapists in her life. Ms. Mixtape is anonymous. You are anonymous. Anonymity goes away if a message indicates that you are in real, imminent danger of doing harm to yourself or others.

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