TVD Kickstarts: A Girl
I Know, The Lost Tapes

If you’re to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page you’re reading at present, to the left you’ll note an homage to two people who inspired TVD. You’ll recognize too then why Carolina Hoyos’ Kickstarter campaign struck a chord with us here at the HQ. The upside? There’s still time to extend the good karma to this warm, talented performer. As she told us via email this week:

“Right before I took 2 years off to care for my Father through his cancer treatment, I quietly (unofficially) released an EP and named it “A-Siders,” because it’s the first side of my intended full length release on vinyl, called The Lost Tapes.

The Lost Tapes as a collection has always felt like we’d discovered old, abandoned tapes and then added a modern sound to them. Now that my Dad is healthy and I’ve found my way back to releasing this record, I named my Kickstarter campaign “My Lost Tapes” because when you care for someone with cancer, you can get real lost with the process of your own life, trying to save someone else’s.”

The unreleased B side feels like a relaxing sunny Sunday afternoon of dreamy listening, while the more rocking A side is your Friday night out partying. The “A-Siders” is available right here.

The Kickstarter campaign for “The Lost Tapes” extends until Saturday, December 6, 2014, and there’s some nifty incentives for those of you interested in the vinyl aspect of this project. Probably because you’re reading this now.

A Girl I Know Kickstarter | Facebook | Twitter

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