TVD Radar: The Podcast with Evan Toth, Episode 111: Sam Blasucci

One never knows what might end up in a songwriter’s sketchpad. It could be random musings about the state of the world, hazy memories about family members, or maybe even inspired creations from the works of other masters. A songwriter’s sketchpad is a diary of sorts for an artist, but can also serve to shed light upon the unconscious interests and influences of the artist themself.

Sam Blasucci recently released his first solo album titled, Off My Stars on Innovative Leisure Records. Listeners will discover a laid-back musical affair featuring Sam as he displays the pages of his metaphorical sketchbook. It’s an organic album featuring the opportunity for an intimate dialogue between listener and artist. Sam is good enough to take us through the journey of the newest album and explain what he had in mind.

We explore the influence that his Italian-American upbringing had and the familial roots that create a certain artistic security. We also discuss the work he’s creating in his other group Mapache, and talk about that most elusive musical instrument, the melodica. It’s one thing to turn the pages of an artist’s sketchbook with the hopes of catching a peek at what the creator was thinking, but it’s even better to have a guided tour from the artist himself. Luckily, Sam doesn’t mind narrating his creations.

Evan Toth is a songwriter, professional musician, educator, radio host, avid record collector, and hi-fi aficionado. Toth hosts and produces The Evan Toth Show and TVD Radar on WFDU, 89.1 FM. Follow him at the usual social media places and visit his website.

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