TVD Radar: Musicians Take Aim to End Gun Violence comp to benefit Stop Handgun Violence

VIA PRESS RELEASE | Stop Handgun Violence (SHV) is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization founded in 1994 by successful businessman, John Rosenthal, and the late Michael Kennedy. SHV works to prevent firearm violence through public awareness, education, policy advocacy, and law enforcement strategies—without banning guns. In Massachusetts, we’re making a real difference. Since 1994, we have passed the most comprehensive gun laws in the nation and have drastically reduced gun injuries, homicides, and accidents. Massachusetts’ gun violence prevention efforts are a model for the nation.

Since its start, Stop Handgun Violence has increased public awareness about the epidemic of gun violence. SHV developed several effective media and public education campaigns, the centerpiece of which is one of the largest billboards in the nation. Other initiatives have included distributing trigger locks, a nationwide billboard campaign, partnering with after school programs, and media productions with the U.S. Attorney’s Office and the Department of Justice.

SHV was the lead advocate for the Massachusetts Gun Control Act of 1998 (Chapter 180), the most comprehensive gun violence prevention law in the country. This common-sense law mandates safe storage, manufacturing standards, strict gun dealer regulations, safety training requirements, and effective licensing procedures. SHV continues to support legislation that keeps guns out of the hands of children and criminals.

Proceeds from Musicians Take Aim to End Gun Violence will benefit Stop Handgun Violence, an organization working to end gun violence through public awareness, education, strategic law enforcement and common sense gun laws. Together we will end the gun violence epidemic that kills over 90 Americans each day. With music from Rogue Wave, Twin Peaks, Sun Kil Moon, Michael Nau, Madeline Kenney, The Districts, Wild Pink and more, this album is the culmination of decades of pain and frustration from the current climate of gun policy in the US, these musicians are now taking aim to change that policy through their art.

A handful of release shows supporting Musicians Take Aim to End Gun Violence are taking place later this week. Find the schedule below and more info here.

Musicians Take Aim to End Gun Violence Release Shows:
04/26 – San Jose, CA – The Caravan w/ Wild Pink, Dana Buoy and Special Guests
04/28 – San Francisco, CA – Swedish American Hall w/ Wild Pink, Dana Buoy and Special Guests
04/29 – Los Angeles, CA – Resident LA w/ Night Shop, Wild Pink, Dana Buoy

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