TVD Radar: The Podcast with Evan Toth, Episode 117: Sami Stevens

As large as it seems, the entertainment world is really pretty small. While many folks make the joke about Kevin Bacon and his six degrees of separation from anyone else in the industry, it’s quite possible because everyone in the performing arts world is really only a few steps away from anybody else.

I had my own experience with this phenomenon just a few months ago when I hosted bassist Marty Isenberg on this program to discuss his recently released album featuring jazz covers of music from Wes Anderson films. As I enjoyed his record, I noticed the vocalist who was featured on many of the tracks and whose voice served to tie the project together: Sami Stevens. So, imagine my delight when I learned that she was releasing her first full-length album, Morning, and that she would be available to speak with me on this very podcast! Coincidence, or six degrees of entertainment separation? Whatever it was that led us here, it doesn’t matter. What does matter is that you accept the invite to learn more about this talented performer and her new work.

Morning is an ambitious first album from any performer, and on this episode you’ll hear Sami explain the process of putting it together, but you’ll also learn more about where she’s come from and, of course, where she’s planning to go. While you’re listening, you might check your social media feeds to learn just how many degrees separate you from Sami Stevens. It’s probably fewer than you think.

Evan Toth is a songwriter, professional musician, educator, radio host, avid record collector, and hi-fi aficionado. Toth hosts and produces The Evan Toth Show and TVD Radar on WFDU, 89.1 FM. Follow him at the usual social media places and visit his website.

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